Friday, December 31, 2010

Texas Horse Marketing, Welcome to Our New Blog

 Thank you for visiting our new Horse Marketing Blog. The goal of our blog is to set up a network and forum for anyone interested in Horse Marketing and  Horse Sale techniques. I want to explore new methods, old methods, honest methods and anything that works in today's changing markets and our surreffing economy.
 One motivator for me personally to start this blog was the problem I was having with my craigslist account. For many years we had used craigslist to promote our horses for sale and our various horse services with very minor problems and some success. This soon ended when I ran a series of ads on my craigslist account only to discover that all my hard work building the ads had gone to waste, not a single ad was listed. But craigslist showed them as active, that is when I learned of the problem of ghosting. Please google for more info.
 After several sleepless nights reading all I could about the adverting problem, I realized I was not alone in the delimina. I also started building a large dislike for craigslist. So I wanted to set up a forum wher like minds wuith similar problems could join and share stories and brainstorm solutions. At the same time we will be adressing other issues with Horse sales, horse marketing and just horses in general, remember we are involved in the horse business because it is FUN.
 So I want to be open for suggestions, ideals, or anyting interesting that involves the industry I love.

I also want to use this blog to dicuss and share information on the explosive topic of Horse Slauther in Texas. Many horse lovers assume that the slaughter controversity had been ended when the Texas Horse Slaughter plants were shut down some years ago. But as I personally know the horse slaughter plants were moved to Mexico, and the whole Texas side of the  industry took their road show to the Mexican border. And now each week thousands of Texas horses are being trucked across the border to suffer their fate. More Information to follow.

                                                       "Don't Flip Out On Us"      
This is one of the Horses we have for Sale now. His name is Shi Willy Jot.

 I look forward to sharing horse information as well as hosting some interesting comments. Please feel free to post a comment about outher topics or anyting you may think would be interesting. Feel Free also to visit our new personal Horse Sales website by clicking  Hilo Horse  You may also see the web site that we have owned for many years for selling horses out of the Houston, Texas area by clicking Texas Thank you

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